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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cross Pollination and Breeding Techniques Anthurium

Anthurium name comes from the Greek, means tail flower. In Indonesia, this plant is known as anthurium. Natural genetic resources derived from the tropical Americas.
But its development is relatively successful in temperate subtropical countries such as Hawaii, and in temperate climate countries like the Netherlands. Anthurium is a plant that grows alone on the growth media (terrestrial), but there was also that live attached to other plants or epiphytic (Riffle 1998).

In Indonesia anthurium can adapt well, ranging up to the high plains. At an altitude of 1400 m above sea level, these plants need sunlight intensity between 30-60%. When the light intensity is too high, then the plants will turn yellow and leaf color to fade. Conversely, if light intensity is too low, the plant growth slows, productivity rates declined, and the stems are tender.
Anthurium cultivation expanded rapidly in Indonesia, especially in ornamental plant production centers in West Java (Lembang, Bandung, Sukabumi, Cianjur and Bogor), Java (Ungaran, Bandungan, and Semarang), East Java (Batu Malang, citrus, and Pasuruan) , and North Sumatra regions particularly Brastagi (Rukmana 1997). Paranet cultivators his use as a canopy, and the best is having a 70% absorption of sunlight. Temperature required by these plants ranges from l8-200C at night, and 27 -30 ° C in the daytime, with 50-90% humidity (Rosario 1991).

Anthurium Propagation can be done by way of generative (seed) or vegetative (split saplings or cuttings). Self-pollination (selfpollnation) are rare and should be cross-pollination (cross pollination) are artificial. This technique is the most generative ways most appropriate, especially in the activities of breeding to produce Fl hybrid seeds, which in turn is a step to a new and more varied melahirkanjenis.

Artificial crosses will be successful if we note the following factors: (1) the parent crosses that will be used, (2) methods, and (3) crossing time. By doing an excellent selection of elders as the parent of the cross-good seed will be obtained with the advantages derived from its parent.

The purpose of this experiment is to obtain results with variations that cruciferous anthurium better. Expected that the results of these crosses can add to biodiversity and economic value of these plants.

The materials used are some of anthurium plants whose fruits are different. As an elder female is a kind of Sunset, Champion, Midori, Lady Jane, Orange, Aromatic, Lady Jane, Purple, and White obake, and for male elders is Laura, Sunset, Pink Exotic, Hawaiian Butterfly, Lady Jane, Red, Midori and Red Ati. Media used for seed germination is carbonized rice husk, and for the community pot or a compote of bamboo charcoal husk compost plus a fine comparison: 1. The instrument used was a small paintbrush, petri dish, pot and also compote or plastic tub size 45 cm x 35 cm, paper labels and plastic bags.

Anthurium in artificial cross-pollination carried out in a greenhouse Institute, Ornamental Plant Research Institute, began in July 2003 until June 2004. Location is at the altitude 1100 m asl with temperatures 24-26 ° C in the daytime and l8-20 ° C at night and relative humidity (Rh) 70-90%.

Hybridization method is carried out crosses between species of Anthurium andreanum. Before penyi circles, conducted cruciferous election or selection of elders, both male elders and elder females. From each pair of crosses between selected each one of the best flower stalks. For potted anthurium, elders who used a small-sized plants with leaves or flowers are beautiful. To produce anthurium cut flowers, selected elders who have beautiful flowers, often flowering, flower stalks are long and sturdy, and flower colors vary.

Furthermore, selected female flowers are ready pollinated, which is between 2-3 weeks after anthesis (Rosario 1991). Signs are ready pollinated flowers is to place flowers on the secretion of honey spadiks (slimy) and when held to the terrace a slippery or sticky. Visually this can be seen in the insect pollinators or ants on the spadiks. For the male flower flowers that have been selected out of the pollen or pollen spadiks, colored yellow, and powder (Figure 1). Fig.1. Anthurium ready pollinated female flowers (a) and Anthurium flowers are already out male pollen (b) With the help of brush or directly by hand, pollen stored into the petri dish and then applied to the stigma or female flowers spadiks who readily pollinated. Anthurium crossing workflow presented in Figure 2.
Fig.2. Anthurium crossing Workflow
Pollination done in the morning at 7:00 to 10:00 a.m. when the air was fresh, and or-l7.00 pukul15.00 afternoon when a cold air return. Pollinated plants that have been labeled as containing information about the elder female and male elders, crossing time (day, month and year), and the name penyilang. Furthermore, the female flower-kerudungi or closed using a plastic bag and left sealed for two weeks.


Pollination time

The number of seeds produced varied between 15-393 seeds. Of the nine pairs of crosses obtained 1308 results per-cruciferous seeds. The highest success obtained in the pair of white crosses obake x Pink Exotic, followed by Midori x Pink Exotic, Champion x Laura, and Lady Jane x Red Ati each more than 130 seeds. High success shows that the elder spouse has a high compatibility. Five other elder couples only produce 15-58 seeds (Table l).

Based on the activities carried out, the opportunity to the success of pollination pollination anthurium quite high, especially in the morning which reached 90%. Success of pollination in the afternoon only reached 70%. This is closely related to the temperature in the greenhouse which is still hot. However, the difference in the percentage of success is not too j Auh, amounting to 20%. Successful pollination can be seen from spadiks filled by small bumps crowding round, which will form the fruit called fruit beries. Pollination is not successfully tagged with flowers that will dry up after two weeks.

Of the 20 times of pollination at different times, ie 10 times in the morning and 10 times in the afternoon, produced fruit beries 1308 (Table 2). The success of the nyerbukan could not be separated from the standard requirements to be met, such as cruciferous plant material, cleaning the tools used and other materials are not contaminated, and the time and the process of pollination.


Fruit Harvest
Beries fruit produced from the crossing will cook 6-7 months after pollination. Fruit can be harvested after a lu-son, a yellow-brown (Rosario 1991) (Figure 3).

Seeara manual harvesting done by picking the whole fruit that existed at the spadiks. If the fruit is not ripe at once, then gradually seeara harvest by taking a ripe fruit. Fruit that has not been allowed to cook until the fruit ready for harvest (Palestine 2002).

Seeding Seeds
Fruit that has been released from tongkolnya harvested and separated from the skin of the fruit by the way it massaged. Because of anthurium seeds coated with mucus that resembles the flesh of fruit, then the seeds must be soaked first. Soaking is done by using clean water for one day or in distilled water for 10 minutes (Palestine 2002). After that, seeds dieuci on water flow while squeezing to release lendimya until seeds are clean and feels rough.
Furthermore, the media prepared seedbed in the form of rice husk in a pot with diameter of 15 em, then moistened or watered. To maintain humidity, pot backed with a plastic tray filled with water. Clean seeds distributed in the media which has been prepared, and then labeled cruciferous and seeding dates, and then covered with transparent kaea. Lapse of three days, keeambah will start to grow, marked by keluamya roots with feathers of white and colored kuneup followed by the growth of leaves at day 7. At the age of 14 days, the cover is opened and after a 30-40 day-old seedlings, seedlings are transferred to compote in the form of a plastic tub measuring 45 em x 35 em that the bottom has been hollowed and filled with rice husk + compost of fine bamboo with a ratio 1: 1 (Figure 4). Seedlings planted em denganjarak 2 x 2 em. After 3-4 month-old seedlings, seedlings are ready to be planted in pots or in the field.

Seed Maintenance
Maintenance of seed needs to be done as possible, especially watering and fertilization. Watering done 1-2 times a day according to the circumstances euaea, especially should diperhatikanjangan until there is stagnant water. What if the weather was overcast, watering can be done just two days.
To accelerate growth, need to do a mupukan. Anthurium fertilization depends on the media used, light conditions, plant age, and cultivars of anthurium (Palestine 2002). Fertilization can use two kinds of fertilizers that foliar fertilizer to nourish the leaves, and compound fertilizers to provide nutrients in the root zone. Used to measure foliar fertilizer is 1 to 1.5 g / 1 by spraying the leaves around, done once a week. To compound fertilizer NPK, fertilizer dissolved in water with a dose of 1 g / 1 water. Fertilizer solution is splashed around the roots of plants and carried out two weeks.

The best artificial pollination on the anthurium is in the morning between 7:00 to 10:00 o'clock. Of the 20 times of pollination, 10 times of them conducted in the morning, produced 1308 (90%) beries fruit. Pollination success rate is closely related to materials and tools used, time, and the process of pollination. Based on these results, the hybridization should be performed in the morning, so that the results achieved in accordance with the goals expected that, especially with regard to quantity and quality of the results of hybrid seeds.

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