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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Improving Diversity Through Budi Daya Cut Flower Calla Lily

Calla lily ornamental plants including one newcomer, coming from South Africa. This plant grows well in tropical areas and can be planted throughout the year.

Cut flowers are manifold, both derived from the tropics such as orchids, tuberose, anthurium, or from the subtropical like roses, chrysanthemum, gladiolus, carnations, and lilies. One of the entrants and ornamental plants potentially be developed in Indonesia is the Calla lily (Zantedeschia elliottiana Engl.). Plants are thought to come from South Africa, and included in the family Araceae, order Spadiaflorae. Calla lily is very well cultivated in the tropics because it can be planted throughout the year.

Calla lilies have some value over a potentially become one of the important ornamental plants in the future. Flowers and leaves are beautiful as well as long durability. Plant size not too large, so other than as a cut flower, can also be used as a potted plant. In the homelands of South Africa, Calla lily is often called the varkore or aronskelle. In Western countries, Calla lily known as the arum lily, lily pig, cape or yellow arum arum.

Zantedeschia genus includes many species, among which is the Z. aethiopica, Z. Albomaculata (spotted Calla lily), Z. Sunrise apricot hybrids, and Z. Elliottiana (Golden Calla lily). In general, it is called by the name of Calla lily. Zantedeschia genus are distinguished into two groups, ie plants that do not shed leaves (evergreen), and plants that shed leaves (deciduous).
Plants that did not abort the leaves have white flowers, blooming in spring and summer, as well as having Rhizoma. Plants of this group has no bulb. Examples include Zantedeschia aethiopica. Flowering plants that shed leaves in the summer, shed leaves in winter, with cream-colored flowers, pink, yellow, red, purple and others. Classification of this plant has a tuber. An example is Z. rehmanii (pink Calla), Z. Juanda, Z albomaculata, Z. pentlandii, and Z. elliottiana.
Calla lily
Calla lily-shaped herbaceous plant with 46-75 cm plant height. The leaves have a midrib which grow from tubers, leaf shape varies by species, with variations of green patches. Flowers are monoceous, small size, equipped with flowers and coaxial sheath called spadiks. Flowers are arranged on spadiks with female flowers located on the bottom and male flowers on top. Spadiks flower sheath and generally known as interest.

Z. elliottiana has orbicular ovate-shaped leaves. Leaves are green with patches of opaque white. Plant height can reach 60 cm. sheath-colored flowers are generally yellow with a length of 13 cm. Spadiks length can reach 7 cm.

Plant Propagation

Zantedeschia elliottiana are bulbous plants and produce seeds. Propagation of this plant is generally carried out using a bulb or seed. However, propagation by seed less attractive because it requires a long time to reach the flowering period (about 3-4 years old). Propagation by bulb is preferred because it is faster flowering plants; early flowering only about 2-3 months. Calla lily tubers, including stem tuber, is marked by the existence of buds around the surface of the tuber which can grow into new plants.

Bulbs Seed Selection

Bulbs are ready for planting bulbs that have grown one or a few shoots. At the time, will be planted, the roots were soaked in a solution of 100 ppm GA3 (gibberellin acid) approximately 10 minutes. Soaking in GA3 intended to be stimulated to flowering plants.

Growing Requirements

Calla lily actually not so choose the type of soil. However, as other bulbous plants, Calla lily prefers fertile soil, many containing organic materials, friable, and sandy. Plants grow well in cool areas (more than 1000 m asl), but it can also grow in areas with high heat (about 300 m asl). But in areas with hot, easy bulb rot disease caused by Erwinia aroidea. The climate is damp with rain that would encourage plants to grow evenly optimal. This plant can also be planted in the greenhouse or plastic with the provision of water and the truth is enough penyi

Budi Engineering Resources

Land where the first planting cleared of grass, then hoe deep as 20-40 cm and made beds. Bed width of about 1.2 m, length adapted to the shape or topography of land, and the distance of 0.5 m. antarbedengan Ash beds were given one bucket per m2 and stirred or flattened with a nut-kul. Land cultivation is done about three days and can diisti-rahatkan for one day before planting.

Bulbs will be planted in accordance with the size selected. Planting bulbs do with spacing 20 cm x 20 cm with a depth of about 5 cm. Bulb land closed about 2 cm from the ground surface.

Maintenance plant that will include watering, weeding weeds, fertilizer, and pest / disease. Watering / irrigation is done every day during the period of plant growth. Weed weeding should be done once a month. Plants were given pupukNPK (15-15-15) with a rate of 3g/tanaman. Fertilization first performed four weeks after planting and subsequent three weeks. Fertilizer into the holes provided in right and left tugal tuber. Control of pests and diseases was done regularly with Decis 2 g / l, Dithane M-45 2 g / l, with a spray volume of 500 l / ha.

Harvest Flowers

Calla lily started flowering at the age of 2-3 months after planting bulbs. Flowers were harvested when the flower sheath has full bloom by cutting the base of the flower stalks.
Time to cut interest is best in the morning or evening. Cutting interest rates during the day cause rapid sheath is damaged because a lot of water loss. Farmers in many central areas of ornamental plants and cut flowers in general, picking flowers at 6:00 to 08:00 o'clock. Flowers were collected in a basket or bucket filled with water to soak the base of the flower stalk, so keep fresh flowers in a long time.

Harvesting Bulbs

Harvest tubers when plants began to be shed leaves, usually after flowering for 6-8 months after planting. Bulbs are harvested by digging the soil around the tuber. When hoeing the land sought to be unaffected tubers hoe because it will lead to tuber rot caused by bacterial attack E. aroidea. Bulbs that have been harvested cleaned from the roots and soil that it attached and then washed. Furthermore, tuber-diangin drained and the wind in the open. Once dry enough, the roots were separated according to class and diameter of bulb, ie U1 (diameter <3 cm), U2 (3-4 cm diameter), and U3 (diameter> 4 cm), then soaked in a solution of Benlate (fungicide 5 g / l) for 15 minutes. Bulbs stored indoors for 2-3 months to germinate, and then planting again.

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