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Thursday, August 5, 2010


Red betel plant (Piper crocatum) more commonly bred in a vegetative or asexual. Naturally red betel plants propagated by seed is difficult. Propagation in this manner has the advantage that the most important is the genetic trait inherited from its parent plant.

Plants propagated vegetatively red betel can be done in several ways ie, cuttings, grafting and perundukan.

1. Cuttings
Cuttings are fragments of vegetative organs (roots, stems, leaves, etc.) plants used for propagation of plants, with the intention that these parts form the roots. Cuttings that can be used for this red betel plant is by stem cuttings.

The reason is propagated through stem cuttings because cuttings is a simple, cheap and fast. The number of seeds produced from one parent plant more. All the seeds produced has the same genetic characteristics indukknya plants.

Stages of red betel plant nurseries by cuttings can be done as follows:

a. Select the parent plants are healthy and have a sturdy stem of a bamboo skewer or better could be bigger. The width of the leaf is or could be more and thicker. Based on the author's experience, material and size of stem cuttings with small leaves, it will produce seeds that are small and tend plants also less able to develop properly.

b. Cut stems into one or two segments with each segment requirements still have leaves. If the material used in cutting two sections, at least one leaf but ruasnya have better leafy both sides. Cutting materials with a segment without leaves, grows very small percentage, or even can not grow at all. Because the process of photosynthesis that occurs is not perfect, thus inhibiting the growth and development of the seedling cuttings.

c. Soak cuttings material into clean water for 15-30 minutes. For better results and reduce the risk of failure of cuttings seedling growth, water immersion plus vitamin B1 can be specific to plants or commonly sold in pharmacies in tablet form. 1 ml of vitamin B1 was dissolved in one liter of clean water. Or 1 tablet / 1 liter of water. Soak cuttings material during the 30 minutes or more. Vitamin B1 thiamine containing a function to accelerate cell division in root meristem.
Based on trials and experience of the author, cutting material that was soaked in a solution of vitamin B1 for ± 24 hours with a segment obtained 90% success rate. Besides the growth of shoots and roots much faster when compared with non-soaked with vitamin B1.
Cuttings materials can also be soaked in a solution of growth regulators (growth hormone) first as Rootone F or Atonik. How to use Rootone F is rubbing the base of the cuttings with growth regulators that have been made pasta rather thin, because Rootone F powder. Then aerated for a while. When using growth hormone Atonik, Atonik way is to dissolve as much as 1 ml in 1 liter of clean water, then soak the cuttings material for 15 minutes. After that lift and aerated for a while, newly planted. The aim of treatment is to stimulate the formation of growth regulators that accelerate the growth of roots of shoot cuttings.

d. Prepare a place seeding in the form of potted seedlings 10 cm in diameter or poly bag that has been hollowed bottom and sides. Then fill in the form of seeding media mix of sifting fern (resembling floured soil), sand, charcoal, husk, organic fertilizer with a ratio of 4:2:2:1. In addition to the above media can also use a mixture of humus and bamboo leaves, rice husk, sand, organic fertilizer with a ratio of 4:4:2:1. Or it could also be modified by the Breeding. To prevent these pests in seedling media, should be sown at one end of Furadan 3G teaspoon per polybag. Then, media drenched with clean water until quite wet.

Basically, the media used for seedling cuttings of red betel must meet the following requirements:
1. Compact enough (firm and dense)
2. Have the capacity to hold water (watter holding capacity) a good / high.
3. Having a good aeration.
4. Free from weed seeds, nematodes, fungi, pathogenic bacteria and other natural enemies.
5. Provides essential nutrients for plants.

e. Cuttings planting materials had been in the media with accurate and true seedlings. Note the location of the axillary leaf buds facing upwards and never backwards. Try the book (where the leaves, buds and fibrous roots) covered with 0.5 cm deep medium - 1 cm from media surface. This is caused if too deep, so the buds and roots rot quickly. Once planted, again with water to cuttings do not wilt. Place these cuttings seedlings in the shade and cool, not exposed to direct sunlight.

f. Maintenance seedling cuttings. Watering can be done two times a day during the dry season. In the rainy season just one time a day or as needed, if the media is too wet do not need watering. To strengthen the growth of seedlings, can be watered with a solution of vitamin B1 once a week. Approximately at the age of 2 weeks, shoots will emerge the media surface. At the age of four weeks has two to three pieces of leaves from new shoots (leaf cuttings of materials is not counted), and roots of plants from the base of the stem meets the base of the already long poly bags / pot. Planting of seedlings ready to be moved into larger pots or directly into the ground.

2. Graft (Marcottage or water layerage)
Propagation of red betel can also be done by grafting. Graft is principally seek root of a branch plant, without cutting the branch from the parent plant. Propagation in this manner has the advantage of them, the plants have properties superior parent plants and plant more quickly into production.
Red betel plant grafting techniques is different from other plants in general, that is only growing media placed on the book and wrapped with plastic plants or coconut fiber.

Stages of red betel transplantation can be performed as follows:

a. Part of the book which will be grafted plants, should first be sprayed with a solution of growth regulators (growth hormone) with a root stimulant concentration of 1 ml / liter of water (as recommended) or a solution of vitamin B1. The use of growth hormone or vitamin B1 serves to accelerate the formation of root growth and thus will accelerate also the formation of leaf buds on the armpit. When not using this method also does not matter.

b. Prepare the planting media. Media used almost the same as nursery cuttings, ie sifting fern roots (such as soil, powder, charcoal, rice husks and fine goat manure with a ratio 4:2:1. Or can also use a mixture of soil and manure alone with a ratio 2: 1. Mixed media is then affixed to the book and wrap it with plastic that has been drilled.

c. Furthermore, the graft flush with clean water until all wet media.

d. After one month, the roots have grown to meet the media. Cut stems under the graft. Open wrap grafts and planting in pots or directly in soil. Seedlings by grafting, has a growing percentage of 90% to 100%.

3. Duck (Layering)
Propagation of red betel can also use the Sniper system. Principles of perundukan is to stimulate (stimulate) the formation of roots or shoots before separated from its mother.

Ducked stages can be performed as follows:

a. Provide some polybags or pots with a diameter of 12 cm already given the growing media and dijajar next to the parent plant. Same growing media used by cuttings or grafting. Can also just use a mixture of soil and manure with a ratio of 3: 1. As a parent plant material is a plant that has red betel vine length 2 meters or more.

b. Expand red betel vine plants, then plant the stem sections with dirundukkan rooted in polybags, polybags that had been prepared.

c. Then siramlah these plants once a day or see the conditions. If the media is still wet do not need watering. In general, drought conditions in the media tend to dry faster, so we need more intensive watering. Vice versa, when the rainy season, the media tend to be more humid, and watering done if necessary.

d. After approximately one month, growth and development of plant roots and have started a lot stronger. Furthermore, each seed can be separated per polybag. Planting the seeds are on a larger media or can be directly planted in the yard of a house that has been provided.

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