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Friday, August 6, 2010

Dahlia Flower Cultivation

Dahlia is an ornamental flowering plant in the form of an erect annual plant. This herb comes from the mountains of Mexico. Dahlia including ornamental plants cultivated late. In Europe farming began in 1789, from the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid, Spain and spread throughout Western Europe. Although progress is very slow, in the year 1841 there were already 1200 varieties. Dahlia imported to the West Java from the Netherlands in the colonial period to the 19th century.

Currently dahlias be cut flower commodity / flower pot that is important in many parts of the world. Abroad, this interest has thus formed a prospective observer groups such as flower dahlia Dahlia Society of India, the National Dahlia Society of the United Kingdom and the American Dahlia Society.
Dahlia plant botanical classification is as follows: Divisions: spermatophytes
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Family: Compositae
Genus: Dahlia
Species: Dahlia spp. L.

Cultivated plants of Dahlia Dahlia tree can reach a few feet and a bushy plants (woody plants but still low). Dahlia flower colors: white, yellow, orange, violet, red, purple or other substances. The smallest flower diameter of about 5 cm while the largest of about 30 cm. Dahlia species existing today is D. pinnata, D variabilis, D. Coccine, D. juarezii.

Cactus dahlia flowers that are white are always traded as a kind of flower that is widely used for flower arranging grief. Another type of rich color Dahlia (dahlia dahlia large and small) in the polybag sold for use as a plant outside the home.

Dahlia is berubi plants. Sweet dahlias contain nearly 70 percent starch in the form of inulin. Pure inulin extracted from dahlia tuber is used in the medical field. When inulin is fermented by certain enzymes or by a soil fungus, inulin is changed to fructose, a sugar that is widely used in food preservation or creation of a syrup. Therefore, the utilization of inulin from dahlia through bioconversion into sugar fructose.

In Indonesia, for commercial purposes, dahlias are cultivated in the highlands of Lembang and Cianjur (West Java).

TERMS growth
5.1. Climate
These plants require abundant sunlight without shade.
5.2. Media Planted 1) Plants can be grown in any sandy clay soil containing humus, has a good air conditioning and crumbly.
2) The acidity of the soil is good for plant growth is between pH = 6.0 to 8.0.

5.3. Altitude Venue
Plants can grow well on high ground with optimum altitude 700-1000 m above sea level.

6.1. Seeding
1) Seeds Seeding Techniques
a) Propagation by seed generative
Performed on the mini to get the color dahlia flowers new and more varied. Seeds come from plants healthy dahlias 5 months old. Direct seed sowing in the nursery that had been prepared. Nursery beds were made on the ground with a width of 1 m and length depend on large areas with a north-south direction. Beds are made from a mixture of humus, cow manure and good soil denganperbandingan 1:1:1. 5 cm high bed. Seed is spread evenly over the bed and covered with a thin layer of soil. In the dry season bed covered with banana leaves that have been washed or clean jute sacks to bed awake humidity. Beds needed to be done in the shade when the seedbed of the rainy season. Shading of transparent plastic 80 cm in height and 60 cm sisit east on the west side. After the seeds germinate and leafy two piece, the cover (banana leaf / sack) is opened. Seedlings maintained until the leafy perfect dipersemaian 2 fruit, root crops at this stage have not touched the bottom of the bed and dipindahtanamkan 18x15 cm transparent polybags containing a mixture of husk and cow manure (6:1). After six strands of leafy plants, carried into the second pindahtanam 30x20 cm transparent polybags containing the same media. Inside the polybag is maintained until flowering plants during the 1.5 to 2 months and is ready for sale.

b) Vegetative Propagation by cuttings conducted at a mini dahlias to earn interest with the same color and danbentuk for large dahlias that can not be seeded. Stekdiambil material from an axillary bud size 70-10 cm. To avoid disease, use a cutting knife / sharp clean knife to cut the shoot. Seeding was conducted in a transparent 30x20 cm polybags containing a mixture of rice husks and manure (6:1) and maintained until ready to sell without dipindahtanam for three days.

c) vegetative propagation of cassava
Performed on a cactus and semi-cactus dahlia. Sweet potatoes were taken from plants aged 7 months. To get the sweet, stems of plants that have finished their first flowering cut to 10 cm from soil surface. Soil excavated and removed along with a sweet main stem.

2) Maintenance Seeding
a) Plants in Nursery
During the nursery plants watered once a day and were not given fertilizer because there's enough food obtained from the beds. Weed weeding should be done with very careful not to damage the still fragile seedlings.

b) in the polybag plants
1-2 plants watered every other day (morning-afternoon) except when it rained. Weeds often grow, if there is weeded revoked or taken by a small hoe premises To prevent pests / diseases, plants sprayed with pesticides Antracol / Basudin two weeks at the turn of kemarauhujan season and rainy season. Gandasil foliar fertilizer NPK and 1 gram given once a week.

6.2. Media Processing Plant
1) Investment in polybags (mini dahlias and dahlia large)
a) Media planting of rice husks and manure (6:1) is mixed evenly.
b) Insert the media into the poly bag 30 x 20 cm to fill 90 percent of the volume.
c) Make a hole in the middle of planting medium, add 1 gram of NPK fertilizer.
d) Enter polybag seedlings from small and medium padatkan around the stem. Watered until moist.
e) Furthermore, given the plant as much as 1 gram of NPK fertilizer every two weeks. Spraying with pesticides and Basudin Antracol do if the visible symptoms of disease.
f) trimming the leaves need to be done so that the interest of good quality. flower thinning aims to earn interest with a maximum size. Flower thinning criteria are:
1. In each of the lateral shoots are only counted up to six flowers to plant the book into three mini Dahlia.
2. In each of the main shoot and lateral shoots consisted of only three to plant Dahlia flowers are great.
2) Establishment bedengan
Beds are made with a width of 70 cm, height 15 cm and a length in accordance with the conditions of land and 55 cm spacing between beds. After the bed is formed, treated soil as deep as 45 cm several times with a hoe. Add as thick as 15 cm of manure (10-15 tonnes / ha) and mixed with 45 cm soil beds. Puree the soil bed to a depth of 15 cm. Trim back to bed.
6.3. Planting Technique

1) Planting Hole Preparation
Planting holes are made deep 20 x 20 x 20 cm at 65-75 cm spacing.
2) How Sweet Investment
Sweet laid flat on the bottom of the hole and cover with soil as thick as 5 cm. From shoots that grow only one or two that are left continue to grow.

6.4. Maintenance of Plant Spacing and stitching

To obtain uniform growth can be done until three weeks after planting. Usually the seeds do not grow perfectly if irrigating late done especially if the hot air. Thinning of interest needs to be done especially if the number of flowers in a stalk too many flowers in order to reach a maximum diameter. In cactus dahlia (white), only one flower on a stalk is left alive, while in the semi-cactus dahlias can be 5-6 flowers.
Conducted in accordance with the growth of weeds and fertilization during pembumbunan nd. Prevention of weed growth can be done with the spread organic mulch between plants. When the plants reach 1 m, plants dibumbun and supported by two bamboo sticks in order not to fall.
Done every 10 days with urea, SP-36 and KCl each 2 grams or 5 grams of NPK. Giving the first 10 days after transplanting. Fertilizer given in the bolt as far as 15 cm from the base of the stem. Cover with soil fertilizer.
Irrigation and Watering
Conducted in accordance plant growth. At the beginning of its growth, the soil around the base of the stem to the point of the outer headers should not be dry. At that time, if necessary plants watered 2-3 times a day depending on weather conditions. After that, watering can be done every five days. Watering is necessary after fertilization.

7. Pests and diseases

7.1. Pest
Silkworm ground (Agrotis ypsilon Hufn.)
Symptoms: caterpillars attacking cassava plants and stems. Silkworm crop growing point or base of the stem or petiole of plants that collapsed and withered stems mainly in the daytime.
Control: performed by killing the caterpillar along with pembubunan and weeding weeds, giving Furadan though not always effective and spraying insecticides or the 3G Indofuran Hostathion.

7.2. Disease

1) Dew flour / Powdery Mildew
Cause: The fungus Oidium tingitanium Sphaetotheca mascularis or Uncinula Necator).
Symptoms: part affected, especially the leaves, covered with a thin white coating such as flour, the leaves will dry and fall.
Control: fungicide Benlate or Rubigan 120 EC. The attack occurred in the transition from rainy to dry season.

2) Virus
Cause: The type of CMV virus, TSV, TSWV and the DMV.
Symptoms: abnormal plant growth so stunted plants.
Control: controlling the growth of vector insects such as aphid or thrips, soak the seeds in hot water, destroying infected plants and spraying insecticides. A better method for eliminating the virus is to use seedlings from tissue culture and detects the presence of virus by ELISA test.

8. P A N E N

Dahlia plants can be harvested flowers and sweet potato tubers are used as sweeteners derived from a large dahlia, cactus or semi cactus dahlia.

8.1. Flowering Plant traits and Age
1) Flowers: three months after planting, the first flowers can be harvested two times a week until four months later. Flowers are ready to be picked has full bloom with a diameter of 10 cm.
2) Sweet: sweet potato crop is harvested at the time was 7 months after planting.
8.2. How To Picking Flowers
1) Flowers: cactus dahlia flowers (lilac) harvested by cutting a 20 cm long flower stalks from the flower base. Semi-cactus dahlia flowers are harvested by cutting a 50 cm long flower stalks from the flower base.
2) Sweet: all plants allowed to grow some nutrients so that leftover food in the main stem can be absorbed by the tuber. Stem is cut to a height of 10 cm from the base of the stem, excavated soil around the stems and sweet lifted together with its trunk.
8.3. Estimated Production
1) Interest: 1 tumbak for planting areas (14 m2), generated as much interest in 1500 bud every week during four months of harvest.
2) Sweet potatoes: large sweet potato and cassava production per stem depending on the type of dahlia. Dahlia cactus produces large sweet and can reach 2 kg / plant. In 10 spears (140 m2) produced 400 kg of sweet potatoes.

1) Interest
Every 50 stalks tied and wrapped in banana leaves, flowers are usually sold directly to the flower market (consumers).
2) Sweet
To get the sugar fructose from dahlia tuber is treated as follows:
1. Sweet potatoes washed, peeled and cut into pieces 1 cm thick.
2. Digodog yam slices with water for 20 minutes.

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